是胶带运输机的主要部件、起承载物料的作用、它广泛(extensive)用于钢铁、煤炭、冶金(内容:从矿石中提取金属或金属化合物)、化工、建材、粮食等行业 . 使用输送带作为运输载体和其它运输方式相比具有操作安全、使用方便、维修容易、运费低廉且可实现连续(Continuity)化、缩短运输距离等优点 . 在一定范围内已成为公路、铁路运输的替代(用一物质代替另一物质(多为强者取代弱者的地位))者 。
It is the main part of the belt conveyor and plays the role of carrying materials. It is widely used in iron and steel, coal, metallurgy (content: extract metal or metal compounds from ore), chemical industry, building materials, grain and other industries. Compared with other transportation modes, it has the advantages of safe operation, convenient use, easy maintenance, low freight and continuous operation( In a certain range, it has become the substitute of highway and railway transportation (using one material to replace another (mostly the strong to replace the weak).

此种输送带适用于一般条件下输送无特殊腐蚀(释义:指腐烂、消失、侵蚀等)常温块状、粉状物料 。大倾角挡边输送带又叫裙边隔板输送带, 是由基带、挡边、横隔板3部分组成。挡边起防止物料测滑撒落的作用。解决了普通带和花纹带所不能达到的输送角度;还可根据使用环境,设计成完整、独立的输送系统,避免了间断输送和复杂输送的提升系统。可沿水平、倾斜、垂直和变角方向输送各种散装物料,从煤、矿石、沙子到化肥和粮食等。
This kind of conveyor belt is suitable for conveying bulk and powdery materials without special corrosion under general conditions. The high angle edge blocking conveyor belt, also known as skirt partition conveyor belt, is composed of baseband, edge blocking and diaphragm. The edge guard is used to prevent the material from sliding and scattering. It solves the conveying angle that ordinary belt and pattern belt can't reach; it can also be designed as a complete and independent conveying system according to the use environment, avoiding the lifting system of discontinuous conveying and complex conveying. It can transport all kinds of bulk materials, from coal, ore, sand to fertilizer and grain, along the horizontal, inclined, vertical and variable angle directions.
强力层为优质重型棉帆布纯棉、涤棉帆布 。抛丸机履带因为抛丸机履带是非常的特种胶带,各种技术指标不同于普通的橡胶带,不被社会上的普通橡胶带厂掌握,所以质量良莠不齐,普通消费者需要学会鉴别,由于生产抛丸机的厂家比较多,各家的尺寸会有差别,所以选型时需要特别注意,一定要看机器说明书,按照说明书选型,必要时可以向履带生产厂咨询,因为的履带生产厂一般备有各种型号抛丸机履带的技术规范和库存。
The strong layer is high-quality heavy-duty cotton canvas, pure cotton, polyester cotton canvas. Because the crawler of shot blasting machine is a very professional special tape, various technical indicators are different from the ordinary rubber belt, which is not mastered by the ordinary rubber belt factory in the society, so the quality is uneven. Ordinary consumers need to learn to identify. Because there are many manufacturers of shot blasting machine, and the size of each will be different, so special attention should be paid to the selection, and the machine must be looked at According to the instruction manual, select the type according to the instruction manual. If necessary, consult the crawler manufacturer, because the professional crawler manufacturer generally has the technical specifications and inventory of the crawler of various models of shot blasting machine.
The general cotton canvas conveyor belt is as follows:
a、 覆盖(Cover)层物理机械性能:
a. Physical and mechanical properties of cover layer:
b、 层间粘合强度(strength)
b. Interlaminar bond strength (strength)
c、 全厚度拉伸性能:
c. Full thickness tensile properties:
(1) 带的纵向拉伸强度(strength)不低于如下标称值:100、125、160、 200、250、315、400N/mm
(1) The longitudinal tensile strength of the tape shall not be less than the following nominal values: 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400N / mm
(2) 带的全厚度纵向拉断伸长率不小于10% . 带的全厚度纵向参考力伸长率应不大于4% 。
(2) The longitudinal elongation at break of the full thickness of the belt shall not be less than 10%. The elongation at the longitudinal reference force of the full thickness of the belt shall not be more than 4%.
d、 直线度:不大于25mm 。抛丸机履带由三层组成,更外面是上覆盖胶,直接与被清理的工件接触,接受钢丸的击打,所以磨损剧烈,承受很大的破坏力,上覆盖胶的寿命几乎就是履带的寿命,上胶同时也是暴露在更外面的橡胶,质量好坏能看到和摸到,好的橡胶有弹性,橡胶都是模具做出来的,为了让模腔内的气体排出,模具都有排气的细孔,会在橡胶上留下排气线,用手拉动排气线,感觉弹性足,则橡胶好。
d. Straightness: no more than 25mm. The crawler of shot blasting machine is composed of three layers. The outermost layer is covered with rubber, which directly contacts with the cleaned workpiece and is hit by steel shot. Therefore, it is severely worn and bears great destructive force. The life of the upper covered rubber is almost the life of the crawler. The upper rubber is also the rubber exposed to the outermost layer. The quality can be seen and felt. The good rubber is elastic, and the rubber is made by mold Come on, in order to let the air in the cavity of the mold be discharged, the mold has the vent holes, which will leave the vent line on the rubber. Pull the vent line by hand, feel the elasticity is enough, then the rubber is good.
The performance of ordinary cotton canvas conveyor belt is as follows
1、 覆盖(Cover)层物理机械性能
1. Physical and mechanical properties of cover layer
类型 拉伸强度(strength)MPa≥ 拉断伸长率%≥ 磨耗量mm2≥
Type tensile strength (strength) MPa ≥ elongation at break% ≥ wear amount mm2 ≥
H 24.0 450 120
H 24.0 450 120
D 18.0 400 100
D 18.0 400 100
L 15.0 350 200
L 15.0 350 200
注:1、当覆盖(Cover)层厚度为0.8mm-1.6mm时、试样厚度可以是切出的大厚度、此时、拉伸强度(strength)和拉断伸长率允许比表中值低15%以内 . 2、H-强划裂工作条件;D-强磨损(零部件失效的一种基本类型)工作条件 L-一般工作条件 。
Note: 1. When the thickness of cover layer is 0.8mm-1.6mm, the thickness of sample can be the thickness of cut-out, at this time, the tensile strength and elongation at break are allowed to be less than 15% lower than the value in the table. 2. H - working condition of strong scratch. D - working condition of strong wear (a basic type of component failure). L - General working condition.
Interlaminar bond strength (strength)
指标(target aim)名称 布层间≤ 覆盖(Cover)层与布层间
Target aim name between layers ≤ cover layer and between layers
覆盖(Cover)层厚度≤1.5mm 覆盖层厚度1.5mm
Cover layer thickness ≤ 1.5mm cover layer thickness 1.5mm
纵向试样 平均值(The average value) 2.7N/mm 2.4N/mm 2.7N/mm
The average value of longitudinal specimen is 2.7n/mm 2.4n/mm 2.7n/mm