In the process of operation, the products of high-angle conveyor belt occasionally show defects such as ditches, scars and so on, which have been disturbing many friends. Improving the Defects of High Inclination Conveyor Belt:

1) Appearance disposal:
(1) Deep hairing of the parts to be repaired and the surrounding 2-3 cm with wire hairing machine or wooden brush
(2) Clean and decontaminate with high inclination conveyor belt and common detergent, and bake with iodine tungsten lamp or infrared lamp to make it monotonous and abundant.
2) Adhesive repair:
(1) Pour the curing agent (component B) in the aluminium bottle into the barrel filled with repairing glue (component A) and mix it in the same direction for 2-3 minutes with a clean, monotonous metal rod or screwdriver (do not use wooden rod), so as to make it fully and evenly mixed.
(2) According to the ideal requirement, each part of the adhesive and curing agent can be mixed in other containers according to the ratio of weight to 4:1.
(3) Pour the thick and good glue into the damaged repaired area in 3-5 minutes until it is full of rubber, scrape it flat, and pour the glue around the repaired area in 2-3 cm.
(4) Curing at room temperature (20 C) can be used for 4 hours, and the maximum strength can be achieved in 48 hours. If the condition temperature is lower than 15 C or the required maintenance time is short, the iodine tungsten lamp or infrared lamp should be used to bake at a certain distance (baking temperature 30-50 C), and the curing time can be used for 4 hours. If time permits, the longer the curing time, the higher the strength.
_If the repair site has been broken, the electrical plastic self-adhesive tape can be used to paste under the breakage site for abrasives. If the opening is too large, the polyethylene plastic sheet or iron sheet can be used to stick under the hole.
If the seam of the belt joint is sealed, it can be used in name only after 20-30 minutes of sizing and then pasting with ordinary dry adhesive tape.
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