擎川EVERLA > 知识问答 > 钢丝绳输送带皮带的检测方式有哪些?




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作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家 来源: 网络整理 更新时间:2021-07-22 11:14:44人气:67


  What are the detection methods of wire rope belts? Below there are the manufacturers of the belts to introduce to you, I hope our introduction can better help you.


  1. Simple Joint Deformation Detection Method: Simple Joint Deformation Detection Method is the traditional manual inspection method, that is, on-site maintenance personnel use their eyes to directly inspect the shape of the belt, to determine whether the belt joint can be elongated, and then assist the use of portable X-ray photography method to stop the detection of belt damage, there are three main methods.


  2. Blistering phenomenon observation method L4J. Bubble phenomenon is a common defect characteristic of joint damage, which is caused by the pulling of steel rope core at the bubbling part. This is a simple detection method which is often used in coal mines in our country. It is to clean the surface of the tape in the joint area after shutdown to check whether there is a "blistering" phenomenon. Once a blistering phenomenon is found, it will be noticed. When the blistering area reaches 1/3 of the full bandwidth, it will be updated and disposed of immediately.


  3. Joint length measurement method. Three groups of marking lines are carved at equal intervals in the proper position of the two borders of the newly made vulcanized joints, and the length of each group of marking lines is measured. After the tape is put into use, the length of each marking line is measured regularly. When it is found that the elongation of one of the three marking lines exceeds a certain threshold, X-ray detector is used to stop the film analysis of the vulcanized joint in order to confirm the damage level of the joint and whether it can continue to be used.


  After the belt manufacturers to introduce to you the wire rope belt flaw detection method, do you understand? If you want to learn more about the delivery belt, please continue to pay attention to us: https://www.everla.cn
