擎川EVERLA > 知识问答 > 阻燃输送带皮带的制作应该注意哪些?




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作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家 来源: 网络整理 更新时间:2021-07-16 11:45:51人气:


What are the manufacturing methods of flame-retardant belts? We know that there are various types of production of flame-retardant belts. No matter what kind of production, we need to stop consumption and manufacture strictly in accordance with national standards. The flame-retardant belts consumed by Qingdao Dalong are widely used in coal mines. They are a kind of belts with comparable safety, and the delivery interval of flame-retardant belts is shorter. Where the delivery volume is small.


Varieties of flame retardant belts


Fire-retardant belts for coal mines


PVG flame retardant belts


Flame Retardant Belt with Wire Rope Core


PVC flame retardant belts


Mine Flame Retardant Belt


Manufacturing Process of Flame Retardant Belt

阻燃保送带消费 工艺流程:枯燥→塑炼→合炼→混炼→停放→热炼→压延→成型→硫化→包装。与非尼龙骨架保送带有所不同,尼龙分层难燃保送带消费工艺硫化后要经过二次拉伸定型处置。二次拉伸定型主要有两种办法,一种是模内压力下冷却定型办法(以下简称模内定型),另一种是模外拉伸冷却定型办法(以下简称模外定型)。

Consumption process of flame retardant belts: dull plastic blending mixing parking heating calendering forming vulcanization packaging. Unlike the non-nylon skeleton delivery belt, the nylon laminated flame-retardant delivery belt needs to be processed by secondary stretching after vulcanization. There are two main methods for the secondary drawing finalization, one is the cooling finalization under the pressure of the die (hereinafter referred to as the in-die finalization), the other is the cooling finalization of the out-of-die drawing (hereinafter referred to as the out-of-die finalization).


Implementation Specification for Flame Retardant Delivery Belt

阻燃保送带按构造不同能够分PVC 为型,(塑料面)PVG 型(在 PVC 根底上加附橡胶面)整芯阻燃带,执行MT/914-2002 规范。来细致的引见一下关于钢丝绳芯阻燃保送带的规范。

Flame-retardant belts can be divided into PVC type (plastic surface) and PVG type (with rubber surface attached to the base of PVC) according to their different structures. The whole core Flame-retardant belts are in accordance with the MT/914-2002 specification. Here's a detailed introduction to the specifications for fire-retardant belts with wire rope cores.


Manufacturing Technology of Flame Retardant Belt with Wire Rope Core


Joint technology directly affects the use of delivery belt. Our time demand for joints confirms the location of pear blossoms, vulcanizers, etc. Then there is the detailed manufacturing process. Grinding the core of steel wire rope, stop the manufacture of side glue, stop the exhaust of the joint of the device, stop the vulcanization, pressure and so on.


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